WiPP Mentorship Program 

Touching on one of the WiPP foundational pillars, we are excited to announce our Mentorship Program! We will be hosting bi-weekly 1.5 virtual mentorship sessions. Working as a group, guided by WiPP mentors, we will tackle important topics together. We will then break out into smaller groups to dive deeper and have more tailored conversations with peers. 

Mentees and Mentors will develop one-on-one relationships outside of group sessions. Additionally, we will be utilizing the WiPP Community platform to continue the conversation in between sessions, and after the program has ended!

Meet the 2024 Mentors

What is Group Mentorship?

Group mentorship brings together one or more mentors and multiple mentees. Unlike one-on-one sessions where the mentee drives the relationship, here the mentors drive the agenda for each session.

Why Group Mentorship?

Group mentorship allows for a safe and supportive place to talk about experiences, support others, and share best practices for leadership and career development. You are able to connect with a group of mentors and peers who you traditionally might not have access to. Additional benefits are: 

  • Provides an avenue to develop important relationships, your allies and advocates, to support you in your career
  • Allows exposure to leadership and training opportunities first-hand
  • Allows you to receive and give feedback to peers in a safe environment
  • Gaining firsthand views of the “success” of others and how they were able to achieve their goals
  • Challenge yourself to gain new perspectives and skills through interactions

Studies have shown that group dynamic is far more effective than one-on-one.

  • Allows for a multitude of connections with different levels of expertise, knowledge, and experience
  • Provides a diversity of perspectives for a greater understanding of any issue and potential solutions
  • Requires less commitment of resources than traditional 1-1 mentoring
  • 1-1 mentoring relationships can grow from the group mentoring; the connection is then made naturally as opposed to being assigned a person based on answers to questions on a form

The WiPP Mentorship Program is currently full for the 2024 year. Please come back and apply for 2025! 

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