Why Engage in a “Partnership” with Women in Plumbing & Piping?


Partnership leads to a stronger collective voice, which is crucial for advocacy and influence. Working together, we are amplifying our reach and spreading organizational awareness. 



Less than 2.5% of plumbers are female. By partnering with WiPP you are contributing to bridging the skill gap and solving the labor shortage.


As a partner, you have access to connect directly with members via our online community, virtual job board and even in person through our state chapters.


Our members are dynamic women like you who are making great strides. Partnering with our association allows us to work together to help achieve our common objectives. We believe that working together we can both achieve our objectives in a faster and more efficient manner thereby allowing each of our associations to prosper and grow at a rate not possible without this partnership.

Meet our Partners | Reach out to Learn More

Specific benefits of partnering with WiPP include:

  • Inclusion of your association logo on WiPP website and our association logo on your website
  • Best practice sharing, and lessons learned meetings on topics such as mentorship, scholarships, education, membership, etc.
  • Opportunity to attend National and Regional Events and we attend yours
  • Access to our advisory board & staff
  • Regular updates on both associations social sites including but not limited to Facebook & LinkedIn for cross promotional opportunities
  • Articles and mentions in Newsletters
  • Cross Promotions
  • Opportunity for New Members – to help build membership
  • More Scholarship Opportunities
  • Speakers
  • Organization Awareness

Is your association interested in partnering with us? If so contact Julia Heitz at [email protected] or fill out the form here and Julia will reach out to you.

The process is simple, we agree on our partnership, share logos, contact information, and become members of each other’s associations. 

Partner with WiPP Today!

Our Partners